A Warm Welcome

Julia Kunis
Julia Kunis
Constituent Services and Support Coordinator
MS Alliance

The Alliance is pleased to welcome Julia Kunis, who serves as the Constituent Services and Support Coordinator at the Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits & Philanthropy. She is grateful to have the opportunity to work with organizations across Mississippi and is eager to make connections with organizations just like yours!

Julia was born and raised in Stony Brook, New York and completed her Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology at Hunter College focusing her studies on Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology. Upon completion of her thesis, she was awarded the Excellence in Anthropology award.  Upon completing her Bachelors in May of 2019, Julia moved to Mississippi to work with the Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL), an education-focused nonprofit where she worked with communities across the South to engage in meaningful faith-based learning. 

During her two years in this position, Julia became part of the Jackson community and made it her home. Driven by her desire to be an active member in the Jackson community, she became Chair of Beth Israel Congregation’s Tikkun Olam Committee, currently serves as a Board Member at the Southern Jewish Resource Network (SOJOURN), and actively seeks ways in which she can get more involved with the communities of Mississippi. Her career is budding in the nonprofit sector now, and her goal is to be a change-agent in the state of Mississippi, working alongside the organizations that are yearning to see a brighter tomorrow. 

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