MS Alliance
Hello Alliance members and friends,
I’ve always loved the month of June, mainly because for me, it was the gateway to summer; a time for fun and relaxation, family vacation planning and a time to reflect on the first half of the year, while looking forward to the second half and the opportunities the coming months would bring.
As I reflect at this moment, I’m pressed to think about how this month has come to represent for so many of our friends and neighbors a time to celebrate inclusiveness, equality, and justice. We lift up our LGBTQ+ friends during this Pride Month and recognize the ongoing pursuit of justice and equality as we celebrate Juneteenth all while acknowledging the critical role our social sector plays in striving towards these goals. As nonprofits, foundations, charities, and individuals we are working to try and make the world a better place for all. Our members represent a range of services from advocating for marginalized groups, providing direct support services to those in need, to building the capacity of individuals and groups to address the disparities that sometimes seem to hold us back from building a better future for all. I am encouraged by all that we are doing together to build bridges and encourage acceptance and understanding; as we have so much more in common than in differences.
So, while we enjoy the beginning of the summer season and take a mid-year pause, let’s also gear up for an exciting fall with new possibilities and opportunities to connect and create new visions for the future.
Have a great summer!
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