Affinity/Policy Groups


The Alliance Affinity/Policy Groups focus on increasing learning, collaboration and funding around critical policy issues.  Each affinity group engages community-based nonprofits and philanthropy organizations to identify gaps in services and policy, and design effective programs and system change to produce positive outcomes for children, families and communities in Mississippi.

Our current affinity/policy groups are focused on education, health, workforce development/family economic security and the community foundation network.  Through our affinity/policy groups and private sector partnerships the Alliance creates strategy to inform policy at the state and federal level.


We believe education has a three-fold purpose of preparing students for adult life:

1 Prepare them for the world of work and participation in our economy (to be able to find meaningful and fulfilling work that “pays the bills” and allows them to live independently).
2 Prepare them for effective citizenship and participation in our democratic processes and civil society.
3 Become life-long learners, skilled at critical thinking, problem solving.


We believe every Mississippian can achieve a life of health and well-being by having access to quality healthcare and resources that fill the gap in health disparities.  By building and advancing partnerships, we can identify health challenges and create solutions to create a healthier state for future generations.


We believe every Mississippian can achieve family economic success thru access to good jobs and living wages, work support, thriving businesses, savings, and enough wealth to pass on to future generations resulting in economic mobility.

Need more information?

Contact Jamie Rasberry, Director of Policy and Strategic Partnerships at
