May 2023

From your NEW executive director

Hello Alliance members and friends, First, please allow me to take this opportunity to say how excited I am to begin this new journey serving as executive director of the Alliance.  It is truly an honor to work with each of you as we endeavor to create better communities for our children and families in […]

Members Focused on Women’s Health

Improving the health of Mississippi women is one of MWF’s top priorities. Through it’s strategic grant process, they are able to allocate funds to local organizations that help make a positive impact and support women’s health so their families thrive.   WFM grants help young women increase their health literacy, an essential component for improving the […]

National Women’s Health Month

Happiness starts with good health. National Women’s Health Month observed annually in May, is a time the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH) encourages all women and girls to reflect on their individual health needs and take the necessary steps to improve their overall health. Women often forego an […]

Annual Meeting Recap

Happiness starts with good health. Elvis was in the house. Thanks to all who were able to join us for our Annual Meeting recently held Friday, April 14 at the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.  It was a wonderful time of networking, entertainment and education, filled with memories and a special celebration shared […]

Medicaid Postpartum Extension

This change will affect thousands. On March 16, Gov. Tate Reeves signed into law Senate Bill 2212 extending postpartum Medicaid coverage from 60 days to 12 months for new mothers in Mississippi.  During the response law of COVID-19, coverage was extended for 12 months, however would have expired at the end of March 2023.   What […]

Foster Care Awareness Month

Strengthening minds.  Uplifting families. May is also Foster Care Awareness Month.  The Children’s Bureau’s National Foster Care Month campaign recognizes the important role that members from all parts of child welfare play in supporting children, youth, and families. This year’s theme, “Strengthening Minds. Uplifting Families.” highlights the need to take a holistic and culturally responsive […]


ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) The COVID-19 pandemic claimed the lives of millions and unleashed an unprecedented storm of competing economic forces – leaving in its wake an additional 27,388 Mississippi households unable to afford basics. In 2021, 219,019 households were in poverty, while another 360,043 were ALICE®.  When combined, 52% of Mississippi households were struggling financially nearly […]