Consultant Corner

Dr. Wendy Mahoney 
Principal Consultant
Divine Strategies, LLC

National Mississippi Day

“What significance does National Mississippi Day hold for the people of Mississippi, and how can it be used as an opportunity to raise awareness, celebrate the state’s unique culture, and address the challenges it faces? In what ways can leaders contribute to the betterment of Mississippi and foster a sense of unity and progress within the state?”

There are many wonderful events, technological advancements, services, programs, musical culture, southern cuisine and so much more in Mississippi. National Mississippi Day is a day to highlight the outstanding things happening around the state. The opportunity to bring awareness and celebrate our state through the eyes of Mississippians brings a sense of pride in the things that matter to us. Of course, those living outside the state don’t see and experience the things we do from our vantage point. Mississippi leaders can contribute by using their positions to elevate their voices about the work occurring in our great state. Leaders have a responsibility to spread the word as well as foster relationships and partnerships for the betterment of all of us. This one day is important to spotlight from where we have come, are today, and advancing in the future because we are Mississippi.

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