Introducing the A.I.C.E. Portfolio

Julia Kunis
Julia Kunis
Constituent Services and
Support Coordinator

As 2021 comes

The Alliance has a plethora of engagement opportunities. From joining one of our amazing affinity groups to becoming a member or hopping on one of our weekly training sessions, The Alliance isn’t just a one-stop-shop for capacity-building and engagement. Frankly, it is the shop, and you will want to return for more. Our dedicated team works hard to bring organizations like yours innovative and sector defining tools to aid in your organization’s capacity building and engagement around the state.

As the Constituent Services & Support Coordinator, I have the honor to see that happen every day here at The Alliance. I can serve organizations like yours by developing free and innovative tools that help identify and address capacity-building needs. Today, I want to share one of those tools with you. After months of sifting through design options, color schemes, and font sizes, I’m eager to share with you the A.I.C.E. Portfolio.

The Alliances Individualized Capacity-building and Engagement Portfolio (A.I.C.E.) is a tool designed to aid in building organizational capacity by identifying organizational structure, efficiency, and effectiveness challenges. The A.I.C.E. Portfolio will provide a custom pathway for your organization to take action and achieve short and long-term goals.

With the support of The Alliance every step of the way, we will take the needs you have and put them into tangible and immediate opportunities for you to increase your organization’s long-term sustainability. Receiving your A.I.C.E. Portfolio is just the beginning. There is an entire world of capacity building and engagement awaiting your organization’s arrival. As in any journey, we always need a map. Let the A.I.C.E. Portfolio be your map.

Eager to learn more about what the A.I.C.E. Portfolio can do for your organization?
Email Julia Kunis at:

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