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The Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy

White House Representative and State Health Officer
Speak at Alliance Quarterly Meeting
COVID-19: It’s Not Over

Mr. Josh Dickson of the White House Office of Public Engagement along with Dr. Thomas Dobbs, Director of the State Department of Health,  lead a discussion about the COVID-19 vaccination efforts across the country and in Mississippi.

Although many Americans have received at least one vaccination, we are far from our goal of achieving herd immunity from the COVID-19 virus.  A host of efforts are ongoing to improve access to vaccines, dispel myths about the injections, and to educate Americans on the health implications of remaining unvaccinated.

The State Health Department reports that ” Mississippi is experiencing a significant rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. Numerous outbreaks have been identified in youth camps, faith-based gatherings, funerals and social events.

Due to the rapid increase in delta variant cases and outbreaks, combined with the low overall vaccination rate in the state, MSDH is making the following recommendations through July 26, 2021.

  • All Mississippians 12 years of age and older should receive COVID-19 vaccination.
  • All those who are unvaccinated should wear a mask when indoors in public settings.
  • All Mississippi residents 65 years of age and older should avoid all indoor mass gatherings (regardless of vaccination status).
  • All Mississippi residents with chronic underlying medical conditions should avoid all indoor mass gatherings (regardless of vaccination status).

If you or your organization would like to assist with vaccinations efforts,  here are some links to resources:

The more people get vaccinated, the sooner we can return to a safe and healthy normal life.

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