Supporting Hearts and Lives


American Heart Month

In addition to Black History Month and more, February is also American Heart Month, a time when all people—especially women—are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health.

A century of pioneers and passionate work The American Heart Association is celebrating its Centennial in 2024 with “Bold Hearts” and a vision for advancing health and hope for everyone, everywhere, and a renewed focus on CPR, and an urgent need for a  Nation of Lifesavers™.

Listen to your heart

This Heart Month, the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) is encouraging women to listen to their hearts and speak up for their health.

1. Women in the United States are experiencing unacceptable and avoidable heart-related illness and death, and nearly half of U.S. women do not recognize that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women.

2. DHDSP aims to shed light on this important topic so that women no longer experience delayed recognition, diagnosis, and treatment for cardiac events, such as heart attacks.

3. Heart-health disparities specific to women widen and deepen when combined with race, ethnicity, and other social factors.

Spread the word Help the women in your life listen to their hearts and raise their voices. When we encourage women to protect their own hearts, they can help others in their communities protect theirs.

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