Training Information

Sheila Farr
Click here to learn more
Outlining Roles and Responsibilities in Your Board Policy Manual
Principle & Standard
5. Governance
Click here to learn more about the Principles & Standards for Nonprofit and Philanthropy Excellence (c)
Course Description
Join us for a comprehensive guide to correctly write, edit, and manage an effective nonprofit board policy manual.
New nonprofit board members are uncomfortable or unwilling to become active after joining the board because they are not sure about the how's of the board's operations, and soon become disenchanted and uninvolved in important board operations. Nonprofit Board Members who understand how the board operates will be ready to govern effectively at their first board meeting, instead of being expected to learn as they go along, wasting their valuable time and talents when they could be actively participating in the board's governance and strategy. How can this be accomplished? Creating a Board Operating Policies and Procedures Manual complements your organization's bylaws by providing the details required to carry out the board's operations, answers questions about process and procedures and clarifies roles and responsibilities. In fact, this material is the key to effective new board member orientation, clarifying the how's of the board's operations.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to...
- identify and develop key areas of their Board Policy and Procedures Manual.
- identify, develop, and clearly define key policies and procedures related to developing a Board Policy and Procedures Manual.
- develop supporting forms and documents that clearly reflect the values, goals, and needs of their nonprofit.