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Equity in Response, Recovery and Resilence: An Action Report in Five Parts

The Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy (the Alliance) was created to enhance coordination, collaboration, and communication among nonprofits, maximizing existing funding and expanding resources. The Alliance also focuses on embedding equity into nonprofit work, aiming to ensure equitable outcomes. During the 2022 Jackson water crisis, nonprofits worked to meet urgent needs. Recently, with funding from the US Water Alliance, the Alliance and its partners have been studying equity in disaster response, recovery, and resilience efforts. 

Revisiting Big Questions for Philanthropy: When to Bridge and When to Fight

Two big, related questions have hung over many in philanthropy these past several years: first, how best to protect democracy, and second, how to work to bridge differences in a polarized time.

Southern Trends Report | Created by Candid.

The Southern Trends Report, produced in partnership with Candid includes eight years of data on grantmaking in the southern region through 2021. The latest updates also include expanded data for 2019 and 2020.

A Plea for Philanthropic Freedom

Published in the chronicle of philanthropy By Darren Walker, Heather Templeton Dill, Kathleen Enright, Sam Gill, Brian Hooks and Elise Westhoff The United States has a strong, globally respected tradition of independent philanthropy that includes and is exemplified by the nation’s private foundations.