Funding Opportunities

MSCDD Grant Opportunity Available Now!
The Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities (MSCDD) currently has a grant opportunity available for nonprofit, for-profit, education, or government organizations. Approximately $200,000 total funds are available to fund three or more projects. A Request for Proposals for one-year grants starting July 1, 2024 is available at Proposals are due by noon on March 8, 2024.
Projects should feature new ideas to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities, their families, and their communities. Examples include developing leadership skills; demonstrating new approaches to services in employment, transportation, housing, health, education, early intervention, recreation, or community supports; or providing training or resources to meet their needs, such as planning for future care of aging adults with developmental disabilities.
Funds are provided through the Administration for Community Living. If you have questions, please call 601-359-5533 or email
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About the Council The Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities (MSCDD) is composed of 21 governor-appointed members promoting a better quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and their families. This is accomplished through programs for self-advocacy, new approaches for services and supports, and access to resources. At least 60% of MSCDD members are people with developmental disabilities and family members. Others represent organizations. MSCDD is one of 56 councils across the U.S. and its territories and is federally funded through the Administration for Community Living. For more information, visit

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