January 2024

A message from your executive director…

As we dive into the festive spirit of December, I’d like to take a moment to reflect over the extraordinary year the Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy has had. This year has been nothing short of remarkable, marked by many changes and firsts. As I reflect on the transformative journey of 2023, it is impossible not to acknowledge the exceptional foresight of our founder, Sammy Moon.

Nonprofit Member Spotlight | Hope Village for Children

Hope Village for Children is an amazing nonprofit organization located in Meridian, MS.

Funding Opportunities

The Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities (MSCDD) currently has a grant opportunity available for nonprofit, for-profit, education, or government organizations. Approximately $200,000 total funds are available to fund three or more projects. A Request for Proposals for one-year grants starting July 1, 2024 is available at www.mscdd.org. Proposals are due by noon on March 8, 2024.


70-90% of all M&A transactions ultimately fail. Why? Most organizations do not properly account for challenges such as post-merger integration, cultural fit, and more. 

GIVE Awards

The GIVE Awards program presented by Volunteer Mississippi, in partnership with the Governor’s Office,


The Alliance is partnering with the B.E.A.M. (Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi) to host community engagement sessions across the state


Quarterly Member Meeting | January Navigating the Legislative Landscape & Dialogues on Philanthropy

Consultant Corner

Nonprofit leadership: Weathering the storms The year has started off with a bang; earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, wars, cyber attacks, bombshell revelations, devaluation of the dollar, and a looming debt crisis.