Trainer & Consultant Profile:

Steve Pickering

Steve Pickering

Steve Pickering

Advisor | Consultant | Trainer | Certified Project Manager

Fun Facts

Fun Facts

Father of two, Avery (14) and Emma (9) - who both love soccer. Despite having never played it, have turned me into an ardent fan of the game.

Quality Matters, Correcting Learning Objectives and Assessments (July 2020)

Moodle - Linked Learning Series

Excellence in Action (EIA)
Nonprofit Management Certification
MS Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy

Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

National Council on Family Relations

Society for Nonprofit Organizations

Association for Fundraising Professionals

MS Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy



Steve Pickering has over 14 years of nonprofit experience, serving in various leadership capacities. During this time, he has advised nonprofit and trade associations on human resource issues, employee training, grant writing and administration, and various reporting functions.

Academically, Steve holds a doctorate in organizational leadership with a masters in leadership with an emphasis in non-public administration.

Steve is also a certified project manager.

Areas of Expertise

Leadership | Strategic Planning | Grant writing | Management | Program Development | Board Development | Board Training | Communication Planning (Internal and External) | Stakeholder Development | Executive Development | Policy and Procedures