Training Information

Christie Lawrence
Click here to learn more
New Manager Training 101
Principle & Standard
6. Human Resources & Professional Development
Click here to learn more about the Principles & Standards for Nonprofit and Philanthropy Excellence (c)
Course Description
Congratulations you are a manager! Get started off right by understanding key aspects of your role and how to avoid common mistakes typically made by new managers. This course provides a high-level overview of management skills you need, information you must learn, and provides tips for engaging your team and building trust. Like all new activities, management is a skill that can be learned over time through practice, and this course will get your leadership journey headed in the right direction.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to...
- define what the role of being a manager is and what it is not.
- list three (3) common mistakes new managers often make.
- identify four (4) key skills managers must learn to be successful.
- list three (3) tips for engaging your team and building trust.