The Ally Feb 2021: Hub Spotlight: East Mississippi Volunteer Hub

The United Way of East Mississippi and the Community Foundation of East Mississippi formed a new partnership with the Mississippi HUB Network for Volunteers & Nonprofits in March 2020.
The East Mississippi Hub for Volunteers and Nonprofits serves as an advocate, facilitator, and connector for effective volunteerism in Clarke, Jasper, Kemper, Lauderdale, Neshoba, and Newton counties.
Casey Culpepper, a native of Meridian, Mississippi, was selected as the East Mississippi Volunteer HUB Director. Casey graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing. Before leading the East MS HUB, her marketing and graphic design expertise enabled her to oversee the implementation of statewide marketing campaigns for nonprofit organizations to benefit Mississippians. Casey’s passion for service to others drives her desire to meet the East Mississippi region’s needs. Through the East Mississippi Volunteer HUB, Casey serves local nonprofits by providing much-needed support in volunteer recruitment, training through the Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy, marketing, and other capacity-building efforts. Leigh Thomas, Executive Director of the Community Foundation of East Mississippi, says, “The Community Foundation of East Mississippi is very excited to have Casey leading this organization. The Volunteer Hub is a great asset to East Mississippi, and we are working with Casey to increase volunteerism, philanthropy, and advance charitable causes in our community.”
In addition to her work in the local community in organizations such as the Junior Auxiliary of Meridian, Casey and her husband, Phillip, are proud parents to two sons, Grayson (11) and John Luke (8).
Casey would humbly insist that any success in her professional career is solely based on a team effort of coworkers, employees, mentors, and volunteers that she works with daily. Her commitment to serving others has resulted from her Christian faith and her knowledge that Christ’s example of service to those in need is what enriches life. She believes that the greatest blessings in life are service to one’s family, work, and the local community.
To stay up-to-date with the East Mississippi HUB for Volunteers and Nonprofits, visit its Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
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