Note from the Executive Director

Sammy Moon
Sammy Moon
Sammy Moon Executive Director MS Alliance

Greetings friends,

The second week of February was initially chosen to celebrate Black History each year because it coincides with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, President Gerald Ford extended the week to a month-long celebration. Although the contributions from African Americans to our country’s history should be continuously noted, February represents our annual opportunity to elevate moments and people in Black History. And what a varied, rich, and sometimes dark history there is.

In the Ally this month, we feature  some of our colleagues in the sector working toward a world where there is true equity, real inclusion, justice and parity. On the educational front, Teach Plus is turning teachers into policy experts so they can have a real impact on statewide  academic standards. Greenville Renaissance Scholars are augmenting students’ skills in Math, Science, and Reading,  and offering enrichment programs throughout the year.  I hope you will take advantage of the Black History programs and exhibits listed in this Ally  that are happening throughout the month, and  be sure to mark your calendars for our Annual Member Meeting on April 8th at the Two Museums in Jackson.

I look forward to seeing you then.  Wishing you and yours the very best,


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