Excellence in Action


Excellence in Action Certification

Operating an excellent nonprofit is complex and requires substantial expertise. Organizations with this capacity are more likely to achieve long-term success and have the type of meaningful impact they seek. The Alliance is here to help make that a reality with the Excellence in Action (EIA) Certification.

Excellence In Action (EIA) offers a comprehensive, relevant, and innovative curriculum that provides participants with a strong foundation in nonprofit & philanthropy management, taught by instructors with extensive experience in the sector. 

Over the course of 10 years, our certification has become highly regarded by funders and connects you to a network of like-minded change agents. 400+ organizations and individuals have taken this step, and we look forward to welcoming many more in 2021.

Throughout 2021, EIA certification will be offered six times in a variety of ways that are designed to meet you where you are. Our next 6-month iteration will begin on July 16th, 2021. It is not too late to apply!

See what our participants are eager to say:

“Our museum completed The EIA Certification Program in 2016.  Because we improved our organizational capacity through EIA, we submitted an improved grant application with reliable data that earned us a grant award of over one million dollars to expand the museum.  We fully credit EIA with preparing us for this opportunity.”

“Very good. Excellent program. Should be mandatory for all board members.”

“I learned so much more in EIA than I did in my master’s Social Work Program. This should be required for MSCW’s!”

“The EIA Certificate program allowed me to develop my professional growth as a nonprofit leader, as well as identify where my organization was at risk in all the critical components. Each course provided unique, comprehensive tools I could immediately implement. The information was so valuable I could not take the courses fast enough! It was well worth the investment of both my time and money.”

To learn more and register, visit our information page here.

d to meet you where you are. Our next 6-month iteration will begin on July 16th, 2021. It is not too late to apply!

To see the entire newsletter Click Here

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